In the highly anticipated film “Kalki 2898 AD,” Prabhas portrays the character Bhairava, with his sidekick Bujji, a futuristic car, in this sci-fi epic. Directed by Nag Ashwin, the movie is set for a theatrical release on June 27th.
The production team is sparing no effort to generate significant pre-release excitement and ensure the film’s success. Vyjayanthi Movies has partnered with Green Gold Animation to create a 2D animation series titled “Bujji & Bhairava,” which will premiere on Prime Video tomorrow. A trailer for the series was released today.
In this backstory, Bhairava is introduced as a bounty hunter in the futuristic setting of Kashi, highlighting the friendship and daring exploits of Bujji and Bhairava. This series is part of the Kalki Cinematic Universe.
The trailer has received high praise, particularly appealing to younger audiences. Such innovative promotional strategies are expected to enhance the movie’s prospects significantly.