Mythri Movie Makers’ ‘8 Vasantalu’ unfolds as a poignant coming-of-age romance directed by Phanindra Narsetti, acclaimed for ‘Manu’. Featuring Ananthika Sanilkumar in the lead role, the film marks a significant milestone with the release of her first look today.
The poster carries the quote ‘Aame Kadile Kavithvam’ (She is like poetry in motion), perfectly capturing Ananthika Sanilkumar’s appearance and character. Despite tear-filled eyes, she radiates a smile that reflects the depth of her portrayal.
Ananthika Sanilkumar embodies multiple roles in the film— a discerning daughter, a compassionate friend, an unwavering lover, a dedicated martial artist, an aspiring writer, and above all, a graceful individual. ‘8 Vasantalu’ chronicles her evolution from a typical teenager to a mature young woman over an eight-year span, resonating with poetic symbolism in its impactful poster.
The film, complemented by music composed by Naresh Kumaran, is currently in production.