Title: “MAD Square” Sequel Unveils Energetic Folk Anthem “Laddu Gaani Pelli”
The beloved cult classic “MAD” has returned with its highly anticipated sequel, “MAD Square,” under the direction of writer Kalyan Shankar. Known for its unfiltered humor and entertaining gags, the original film set a high bar for college comedies, and fans are eager to see what the gang of boys has in store this time.
To kick off the excitement, the makers have released the first single, “Laddu Gaani Pelli,” which is being hailed as the ultimate “Baraat Anthem.” Composed by Bheems Ceciroleo, who previously created the hit “College Papa” for the original “MAD,” this new track promises to be just as infectious. Featuring the vibrant vocals of Bheems alongside singer Mangili, the song’s lively lyrics are penned by lyricist Kasarla Shyam.
With its catchy tune and energetic vibe, “Laddu Gaani Pelli” is set to dominate playlists and become a must-have at celebrations. The film is produced by Haarika Suryadevara and Sai Soujanya of Sithara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinemas, with Suryadevara Naga Vamsi presenting the project. Cinematography is handled by Shamdat Sainudeen ISC, while editing is managed by Navin Nooli.
As “MAD Square” gears up for its release, this vibrant folk number is just the beginning of what promises to be another hilarious ride for audiences.