“Saripodhaa Sanivaaram” marks the second collaboration between actor Nani and director Vivek Athreya. Unlike their previous film, this venture is an action thriller. The teaser highlights the significance of Saturdays for Surya, Nani’s character, portraying him as fierce and intense.
Today, the filmmakers revealed a contrasting side of Surya by releasing a second look of his character on other days. In this poster, Nani appears as the quintessential boy next door, smiling while riding a bike.
Nani’s versatility in portraying both sophisticated and rugged characters is evident. The stark contrast in his character’s depiction suggests that the movie holds many more surprises.
Produced by DVV Danayya and Kalyan Dasari, the film features SJ Surya as the antagonist and Priyanka Mohan as the lead actress.