Pawan Kalyan Takes Strategic Steps to Solidify Presence in Pithapuram
Pawan Kalyan has demonstrated significant dedication to securing Pithapuram in this year’s election, notably acquiring a multi-story building to serve as his residence and campaign office.
In a continued effort to establish himself as a prominent local figure, Pawan has made another strategic move by purchasing 3.5 acres of land in Pithapuram, with the registration finalized yesterday afternoon.
The land, located in the Bhogapuram area of Pithapuram, has generated considerable enthusiasm from Pawan. He plans to develop 2 acres of this newly acquired property to build a house and his camp office, reinforcing his intention to become a local resident through land ownership and construction of a home.
Pawan Kalyan has pledged unwavering support to the voters of Pithapuram, and his recent actions reflect this commitment. He appears focused on solidifying his presence in Pithapuram, aiming to establish it as a strong base for himself and the Janasena Party.