Vishwaksen, a young and talented actor in the industry known for his multifaceted skills, is preparing for the grand release of his film, Gangs of Godavari, on the 31st of this month, directed by Chaitanya Krishna. During the promotional events for his upcoming film, Vishwaksen made a revelation that has garnered significant attention.
Vishwaksen, an ardent fan of Jr NTR, expressed his desire to remake the latter’s film Na Alludu, which originally failed at the box office. Despite its lackluster performance, Vishwaksen believes that with some reworking of the original script, the film could be successful and bolster his image in the industry.
Directed by Vara Mullapudi and written by Vijayendra Prasad, Na Alludu featured a notable cast, including Ramya Krishna, Shriya Saran, and Genelia. However, the film’s poor writing and weak execution led to its downfall. Vishwaksen, who is also a writer and director, sees potential in revisiting the film with improved elements.
While Vishwaksen’s enthusiasm for this project is evident, it remains uncertain whether he will pursue this remake at this point in his career.