The NDA, which aimed to secure 400 MP seats in this year’s election, fell short, obtaining only 293 seats. In this context, senior statesman Chandrababu Naidu, with 16 MP seats, has emerged as a crucial figure.
With the NDA holding 293 seats, just above the required majority of 272, Naidu’s political stance has become increasingly significant.
Addressing the media today, Naidu made a strong statement: “Don’t worry. I know the media seeks news, but I have been in politics for a long time and have experienced many situations. We are with the NDA for now, so there is nothing to worry about.”
Following his assurance, the stock markets saw a significant upswing. In the face of potential uncertainty regarding the central government, the markets could have experienced a severe downturn. However, Naidu’s reassurance has prompted a substantial rise in market confidence.