Title: Pawan Kalyan Extends Heartfelt Birthday Wishes to Chiranjeevi, Lauds Him as ‘Apadbandhavudu’
In a touching birthday tribute on social media, Powerstar Pawan Kalyan, Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, celebrated his brother Megastar Chiranjeevi, praising him for his immense generosity and support. Describing Chiranjeevi as ‘Apadbandhavudu’—a savior in times of trouble—Pawan Kalyan highlighted his brother’s significant yet often discreet contributions to those in need. Chiranjeevi’s recent donation of 5 crore rupees to support Pawan Kalyan’s Janasena party during elections was noted as a critical factor in their success. As Chiranjeevi prepares for his upcoming film Vishwambhara, and Pawan Kalyan readies for OG, their mutual admiration and support remain a prominent feature of their careers.